Smits dakkundig dakonderhoud

Storm damaged roof

Did your roof suffer damage from a recent storm? If so, it is very important to get it repaired as soon as possible. Because storm damage to your roof can lead to all sorts of disadvantages for your home and your family.

A damaged roof can lead to leaks and water damage in your home, which can damage your walls, ceilings and floors. This, in turn, can lead to mold and health problems for you and your family. All the more important to do something about it in a timely manner. We are happy to help!

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Affordable & transparent rates
Up to 10 years warranty: assured of quality & satisfaction

Free roof inspection after storm

A storm can cause a lot of damage to your roof, such as cracks, broken tiles or loose roofing. This damage may be invisible, but can have major long-term effects on your home. Our roof inspection after storms gives you peace of mind that your roof is in top condition and any problems are detected early.

Our experienced roofers will carefully inspect your roof and prepare a detailed report of any damage and needed repairs. We provide you with an honest and transparent customized quote so you know exactly where you stand.

The causes of storm damage

The most common cause of storm damage to the roof is strong winds. Strong gusts of wind can loosen tiles or roofing and even damage entire roof structures. Rain and hail can also cause damage, especially if the roof has not been properly maintained. For example, if there are cracks in the roofing or the gutters are clogged.

Another common cause of storm damage is lightning strikes. Lightning strikes can cause fires, electrical failures and even structural damage to your roof and home. In addition, a tree or branch falling down during a storm can also cause damage to your roof and home.

It is important to note that not all damage is immediately visible. Therefore, it is advisable to have your roof inspected by an experienced roofer after a storm to detect any invisible damage. This prevents the damage from getting worse in the long run and incurring more costs.

At Smits Dakkundig Onderhoud, we are happy to help you detect and repair storm damage to your roof. We have years of experience repairing different types of roofing and roof structures and can advise you on how to prevent future damage. Feel free to contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Insurance claim for storm damage to your roof

Storm damage to your roof can cause substantial costs. Fortunately, in many cases, you can rely on your insurance to cover the cost of repairs. At Smits Dakkundig Onderhoud, we understand how stressful it can be to file an insurance claim. That's why we're happy to help you through the process.

To file an insurance claim for storm damage to your roof, there are a number of steps to follow. First, it is important to report the damage to your insurer as soon as possible. You can do this by phone or online, depending on your insurer. Gather all information about the damage, such as photos and invoices of the repair costs, and forward them to your insurer.

Next, an expert from your insurer will inspect the damage and prepare a report. This report is important in determining the compensation you receive. Our experienced roofers can help you report the damage and provide the necessary information to your insurance company. We have extensive experience dealing with insurance companies and know exactly what it takes to successfully handle your claim. If your claim is approved, we can repair your roof quickly and professionally. We will provide a detailed quote and keep you updated on the progress of the repair.

Roof renovation after storm damage by Smits Dakkundig Onderhoud

But don't worry, because Smits Dakkundig Onderhoud is here to help! Our professional and experienced roofers specialize in repairing all types of storm damage to roofs. Whether it is loose shingles, damaged roofing or leaks, we are here to repair your roof as quickly as possible and protect it from further damage.

We understand how important your roof is to the safety and protection of your home and family. That's why we work hard to make sure your roof stays in top condition. We guarantee our work and provide you with the highest quality and service.

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Frequently asked questions storm damage roof

Storm damage can be visible, such as missing or broken roof tiles, cracks or dents in the roofing, or even water leaks. But sometimes it can also be less obvious. It is important to inspect your roof regularly, especially after a severe storm.

Yes, it is always wise to have your roof inspected by a professional after a severe storm. Sometimes there can be invisible damage that can lead to bigger problems later on.

If your roof has been damaged by a storm, it is important to consult a professional roofer as soon as possible. It is important to address the problem quickly to prevent further damage.

It is highly recommended that you hire a professional roofer to repair storm damage to your roof. Roof repair can be dangerous and requires specific skills and equipment.

There are several ways to protect your roof from storm damage, including regular maintenance and inspection, replacing outdated roofing, strengthening the roof structure and securing loose objects on and around your roof.

Yes, there are different methods and materials used to repair flat roofs and pitched roofs. We can advise you on the best options for your particular situation.

The cost depends on the size of the damage. We will identify the exact damage and what exactly needs to be repaired on your roof with a free roof inspection. Contact us and we will come out as soon as possible!
This makes us unique

Why you can choose us?

With our many years of experience in roof maintenance, repair and renovation, we offer you expertise and craftsmanship for every type of roof. We work exclusively with high-quality materials and modern techniques and offer tailor-made solutions for your specific situation.

30 years of experience

Up to 10 years warranty

Love for the roof

A-brand materials

Our work area?

We mainly work in the middle of the Netherlands

Do you live in Amsterdam, Utrecht, Haarlem, Hoofddorp, Amstelveen or Nieuwegein? Then you may have already seen our van driving around. We are happy to inspect your roof without obligation and help you with all your roof problems!

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